- Items sold are not refundable or exchangeable once it past 3-5 days period.
We do include a detailed description for each item, so please refer to it carefully.
- You should allow within 1 inch discrepancies for the measurements
stated due to different ways of measurement.
- Item price does not include shipping charge.
- We deal based on 1st-Order-1st-Reserve basis. We can only reserve the
item for 24 hours max if there is another interested buyer that can pay
faster, otherwise, your reserve eligibility will last for a maximum of 5
- We strictly will not give privilege to customers even though they're able to pay higher than the published retail price.
- Every parcel comes with a tracking number whereby you can track the
delivery status. Therefore, we will not hold any further responsibility
after the parcel is sent out.
- We will not be responsible for any wear & tear incurred on the item
due to their course of daily usage.
- Due to setting of the monitor and photo-shoot lighting, color of the item
might be slightly different from the posted picture. Therefore, please refer
to the description stated for the actual color.
- All information provided to us will be deemed personal & will be kept confidential.
- We reserve the right to make changes on our site, policies & the
terms & conditions at any point of time.
- By using this site, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions.
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